The total number of points, lines, triangles and quadrangles in the current frame.
The total number of vertex coordinates in the current frame.
The total number of groups in the current frame.
The total number of light sources in the current frame.
The total number of reflection and environment maps in the current frame. Disabled indicates that reflection mapping has been disabled and no reflection maps or environment maps will be rendered.
The total number of texture and bump maps in the current frame. Disabled indicates that texture mapping has been disabled and no texture maps or bump maps will be rendered.
The number of shadow casting light sources in the current frame.
The number of transparent groups in the current frame.
The total number of color blended groups in the current frame. Disabled indicates that color blending has been disabled.
The scene ambient value for the current frame.
Description of the current frame's background. This can be a color or an Image file.
Fog or depth cue status. This can be off, to color, to background or to alpha.
Shows whether perspective is turned on or off for the current frame.
The maximum rendering level for the current frame. This can be wireframe, flat, Gouraud or Phong.
The color depth of the current frame. This can be black and white, gray scale, 256 colors and true color (millions of colors).
Field interlace status. This can be off, odd field or even field.
The horizontal/vertical pixel aspect ratio of the current frame.
The maximum sub-pixel sampling level of the current frame. Each group can have its own sampling level.
The antialiasing level and filter of the current frame. The filter can be none, average, adaptive or oversample.
The horizontal/vertical pixel resolution of the current frame.
The free heap space available after the rendering memory has been allocated. This value should never fall below 32KB.
The total memory available for rendering.
This field contains information about the license owner of this software.
This field contains the creation date of this applicaton.
This field contains the version number of this application.
This field contains the serial number of this application.
ElectricImage‚Ñ¢ Camera written by Mark Granger.
The free disk space on the volume where the animation is being written. If the free disk space falls below the estimated remaining animation size, a warning will appear above.
The estimated size in bytes of remaining frames of the animation.
The estimated total file size for this animation.
The average size in bytes of all rendered frames.
The size difference in bytes between the previous two rendered frames.
The size in bytes of the previous rendered frame.
The estimated time of completion of the rest of the frames in the animation.
The estimated time required to complete the remaing frames of the animation.
The estimated total rendering time for this animation.
The average time per frame for the completed frames of the animation.
The difference in rendering times between the previous two frames.
The time required to render the previous frame of the animation.
The file name of the output Image file.
If the free disk space falls below the estimated remaining animation size, a warning will appear in this box.
The volume name where the output Image file is being written.
The total number of active points, lines, triangles and quadrangles which are to be used to render the current frame.
The total number of active vertex coordinates which are to be used to render the current frame.
The number of triangles which were generated whenever a quadrangle was broken into two parts because it lay partialy behind the camera or because it was not flat.
The number of additional vertex coordinates which were generated whenever a line, triangle or quadrangle lay partialy behind the camera.
The number of lines, triangles or quadrangles which lay partialy behind the camera.
The total number of points, lines, triangles and quadrangles which are completely outside the edges of the current frame.
The number of points, lines, triangles and quadrangles which were purged because they were behind the camera.
The number of quadrangles which were broken into two triangles for rendering because they were not flat.